2016年1月5日 星期二

漢字 Chinese characters


日本明治維新,中國現代化後,在世上除了歐美唯有中、日兩國獲得諾貝爾理科類獎項 [1]

日本取得24個諾貝爾獎 物理獎11位、化學獎7位、醫學獎3位  [2];中國在教育落後,政治動亂,經濟凋敝,天災人禍,民不聊生之情形下取得4位物理獎、1位化學獎、1位醫學獎 [3][4];韓國二戰之後歷經圖誌、振興教育、工商發達至今卻仍一席未得 [5]

關鍵所在:漢字, ””文字系統中唯一的位置符號””

正如人透過1234567890 認識了數學的奧妙


Chinese character

        In this world except western world only two cultures are awarded the Nobel prizes in scientific field[1]. Japan was awarded ​​21 Nobel Prize in Scientific field[2], China in disturbance period was awarded ​​6 Nobel Prize in Scientific field[3][4], Korea revitalization of education, industry and commerce developed after World War II are still not awards any prize[5].

        We think that key reason is China and Japan still using Chinese characters[6] however Korea banished Chinese characters about 500 year ago. Why this important that is Chinese and Japanese people using Chinese characters to understanding this world just like people of the world use Hindu numeral system (1234567890) to understand how amazing about mathematics, How similar of them that are them both independent from language system.
       Now Hindu numeral system has united the number system of the world then Chinese characters system has united the writing system of mostly far east Asia regent peoples no matter what language they say, In this time computer widely using in our life, We wonder Chinese characters will unite the world some day no matter what language you say.